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The Top Dinantian map (in m) of the DGE-ROLLOUT project
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of North Rhine Westphalia, , Date Stamp: 2023-06-21
Uncertainties related to the depth mapping of the Dinantian aquifer the DGE-ROLLOUT project
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of North Rhine Westphalia, , Date Stamp: 2024-04-18
The GEOBG100 dataset was created during the period 1995-1997 by digitizing the paper version of the Geological map of Bulgaria at a scale of 1:100 000. This consists of 86 coloured flat sheets, covering the whole onshore territory of the country. The map is available in a Bulgarian or in an English edition. The dataset is digitally integrated and available in MapInfo and ArcGIS formats.
Date Stamp: 2016-05-24
The GEOBG500 dataset was created in 1995 by digitizing the paper version of the Geological map of Bulgaria at a scale of 1:500 000, that was published in 1989. This consists of 2 flat coloured sheets covered the whole territory of Bulgaria. The map has been produced in a combined Bulgarian-English edition and was compiled using the Geological Map of Bulgaria at a scale of 1:100 000 as a base, combined with data from the National Geofund. The dataset is digitally integrated and available in MapInfo format.
Metadata Contact: Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW), Bulgaria, Date Stamp: 2016-05-24
Web Map Service (WMS) displaying the GEO_1M_1GE_RO dataset that has been created for the OneGeology-Europe project.
Date Stamp: 2023-05-31
The database for geological map of Romania at 1:1 000 000 scale had been built on the basis of geological map built by an authors team in 1978 and is organized in two layers (Geologic Unit – lithostratigraphy and Geologic Structure – geological boundaries and faults) and two tables. This has been modified for harmonization in to OneGeology Europe project.
Metadata Contact: Geological Institute of Romania, Romania, Date Stamp: 2024-02-26
The GEO_200k_RO dataset has been created by vectorization of the paper map series: Geological Maps of Romania at a scale of 1 : 200 000, created during the years 1960-1969. This dataset was digitally processed using ArcGIS software as ESRI geodatabase format.
Date Stamp: 2019-08-07
Digital Geological Map of Serbia represents a simplified version of the geological map 1:500 000 ( done by the Institute of Geology and Mining Research and Test Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials , Belgrade) as a result of a compilation of basic geological map 1:100 000 made ​​by various authors in 1960 - 1980. The units are set aside in chronostratigraphic principle. Faults that have been selected for display were selected based on two criteria : regional distribution and tectonic significance . Map ...
Metadata Contact: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Serbia, Date Stamp: 2022-05-04
GEORH1M is a simplifield version of the geological map of the Republic of Croatia 1 :300 000, which is based on 61 map sheets of the Basic Geological Map 1:100 000 produced in the time period between 1962. and 1989. Map shows lithotostratigraphic units and tectonics of the Republic of Croatia. GEORH1M was edited specifically for the purpose of the OneGeology-Europe project. Map is completely made with GIS technology (ArcGIS 9.3.).
Date Stamp: 2016-05-12
The GEOLT1000 dataset was created from geological map of the Republic of Lithuania at scale 1:200000. The dataset was processed using ArcGIS 10.0 software.
Metadata Contact: Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuania, Date Stamp: 2015-07-02
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