IGME-ZESIS (Database of seismogenic zones of the Iberian Peninsula and territories of influence for the calculation of seismic hazard in Spain)
ZESIS is a database of seismogenic zones of the Iberian Peninsula and territories of influence developed for the calculation of the update of the seismic hazard map of Spain (IGN-UPM, 2013). ZESIS is the result of the evolution of three successive models in which numerous researchers from national and international research centres have collaborated, and of the synergy of the FASEGEO (CGL2009-09726), SHARE (FP7-226967), IBERFAULT (CGL2009-07388), OPPEL (IGN-UPM) and SISMOGEN (IGME) projects
The main objective of ZESIS is to identify a knowledge infrastructure about the seismogenic zones (artifice of seismic hazard calculation) of the Iberian Peninsula and territories of influence.
ZESIS is a database of seismogenic zones of the Iberian Peninsula and territories of influence developed for the calculation of the update of the seismic hazard map of Spain (IGN-UPM, 2013). ZESIS is the result of the evolution of three successive models in which numerous researchers from national and international research centres have collaborated, and of the synergy of the FASEGEO (CGL2009-09726), SHARE (FP7-226967), IBERFAULT (CGL2009-07388), OPPEL (IGN-UPM) and SISMOGEN (IGME) projects.
Reglamento (CE) n.o 1205/2008 de la Comisión de 3 de Diciembre de 2008 que estabelece las modalidades de aplicación de la Directiva 2007/2/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo em materia de metadados