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GeoMol Pilot Area Upper Austria - Upper Bavaria: Contour map of the base of the Upper Marine Molasse (m AMSL) and position of major faults and fault zones at the base of the Upper Marine Molasse. Map derived from the 3D geological model as prepared in the GeoMol Project. Details in the project report
Metadata Contact: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), DEU, Date Stamp: 2021-02-08
GeoMol Pilot Area Upper Austria - Upper Bavaria: Contour map of the top of Paleozoic (m AMSL) and position of major faults and fault zones at the top of Paleozoic. Map derived from the 3D geological model as prepared in the GeoMol Project. Details in the Project Report
Metadata Contact: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), DEU, Date Stamp: 2021-02-08
GeoMol Pilot Area Upper Austria - Upper Bavaria: Contour map of the top of Upper Jurassic (m AMSL) and position of major faults and fault zones at the top of the Upper Jurassic. Map derived from the 3D geological model as prepared in the GeoMol Project. Details in the Project Report
Metadata Contact: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), DEU, Date Stamp: 2021-02-08
GeoMol Pilot Area Upper Austria - Upper Bavaria: Map of the depth (m below ground level) for the 100 °C isotherm and position of major faults and fault zones at this level as well as data nodes for temperture interpolation. Map derived from the 3D geological model and temperature model as prepared in the GeoMol Project. Details in the Project Report
Metadata Contact: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), DEU, Date Stamp: 2021-02-08
The depth of a geological boundary below ground level.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Austria, Austria, Date Stamp: 2022-04-04
The depth to the top surface of an aquifer from the ground surface.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Austria, Austria, Date Stamp: 2022-04-04
DRASTIC parameter D
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), , Date Stamp: 2025-01-16
Overview of all boreholes in the Dutch part of the North Sea and Wadden Sea, and in the Scheldt estuary. For each borehole, measurements and descriptions of each described interval are provided through an information link. This information concerns main lithology; gravel, sand, silt and clay admixture; main and secondary colour; sediment consistency; gravel and sand median class; and gravel, sand, silt, lutum, mud, shell and organic-matter percentage.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of the Netherlands (TNO), , Date Stamp: 2024-11-01
The Top Dinantian thickness (in m) of the DGE-ROLLOUT project
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of North Rhine Westphalia, , Date Stamp: 2023-06-21
DGEROLLOUT Top depth of the geological layers in the Upper Rhine Graben,Niederroedern, Froidefontaine, Pechelbronn, Base Tertiary, Rotliegend
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of North Rhine Westphalia, , Date Stamp: 2025-01-08
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