Geological Map of Spain and Portugal at scale 1:1.000.000
Geological map of Spain and Portugal at scale 1:1 000 000 of 2015 is an updated cartographic version of the Iberian Peninsula as well as Ceuta and Melilla and all the insular territory of Spain and Portugal: Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira, published periodically by the IGME in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Portugal (LNEG). This new version includes for the first time the geological cartography of the continental shelf and the Atlantic islands of Portugal. This map includes all the new geological knowledge that has resulted from the completion of the MAGNA series of 1:50,000 scale geological cartography of the IGME for the Spanish territory and the systematic series of cartography of the Portuguese territory developed by the LNEG. The continental part of the map has been composed from previous syntheses at a scale of 1:400,000 developed for each major geological unit in Spain, specifically, the Variscan Massif, the Pyrenees, the Baetic, Cantabrian and Iberian C. and the Cenozoic Basins of the Duero, Tagus and Ebro, and from the geological cartography at a scale of 1:200,000 produced in Portugal.
This map represents an update of the geological cartography of the Iberian Peninsula and the entire island territory of Spain and Portugal at a scale of 1:1,000,000, as a synthesis of the improvement of geological knowledge that resulted from the completion of the MAGNA series of geological cartography at a scale of 1:50,000 of the IGME, for the Spanish territory, and the systematic series of cartography of the Portuguese territory developed by the LNEG. It includes for the first time the geological mapping of the continental shelf and that of the Portuguese Atlantic islands.
The Geological Map of Spain and Portugal at a scale of 1:1 000 000 was compiled from various sources. The continental part of the map was compiled from previous 1:400,000 scale syntheses prepared for each of the major geological units in Spain, namely the Variscan Massif, the Pyrenees, the Betic Cordillera, the Cantabrian and Iberian Cordillera and the basins of the Duero, Tagus and Ebro rivers, and the 1:200,000 scale geological cartography carried out in Portugal. A group of experts simplified this initial information and compiled it according to the common legend defined for the map. The mapping of the Spanish islands was elaborated from the original information of the IGME cartographic series at various scales and the geological mapping at scales 1:25 000 and 1:50 000 for the Portuguese Atlantic islands. The geological mapping of the continental margin was elaborated from several cartographic sources at different scales: Geological Maps of the Spanish Continental Shelf at scale 1:200 000 and the Geological Map of the Quaternary at scale 1:1 000 000 published by the IGME, the Geological Map of Portugal at scale 1:1 000 000 000 (LNEG-LGM) including the new version of the Geological Map of the Portuguese Continental Shelf at scale 1:2 000 000 000 and the Geological Map of the Bay of Biscay (BRGM). This cartography was complemented with geological data acquired in oceanographic campaigns carried out in the framework of different research projects with the participation of the IGME and the LNEG, as well as the Spanish Continental Shelf Expansion Project, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata