Slovakkia Vabariigi digitaalne geoloogiline kaart mõõtkavas 1:50 000
The first version of the contiguous digital map was compiled by Š. Káčer et al.(2005) under the terms of the geological project Digital Geological Map of the Slovak Republic at a scale of 1: 50 000. In addition to areal, line and point information, the following separate layers are available: a list of the background documents, classification of the data in terms of quality, a review of the scheme used for classification of geological units and structures. The areal information provided on the digital map includes: the unified legend and the original legend showing the characteristics and occurrence of individual lithotypes across the whole territory of Slovakia.
The intellectual property rights to the Digital Geological Map of the Slovak Republic at scale 1: 50 000 holds the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr. The license and copyright for the work holds the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.