NGU Depósitos Superficiales de Noruega. Lo más relevante

(Lo más relevante de) Los depósitos superficales es una base de datos que cubre completamente los depósitos superficiales de Noruega. Los datos de alta resolución (1;20.000 a 1:50.000) solo están disponibles en el 30% del territorio, principalmente en aquellas áreas en las que los depósitos superficiales tienen una importancia económica significativa. Los depósitos se han clasificado según su génesis y espesor. Para la mayoria de los datos (escalas superiores a 1:250.000) hay disponible información derivada como potencial de aguas subterráneas y capacidad de infiltración almacenada en forma de atributos.
: 32633
Geoscientific information
One Geology Europe - Concepts, version 1.0:
GEOLOGÍA/depósitos superficiales
GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1:
gestión ambiental/gestión y planificación de tierra
GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1:
ciencia/ciencias naturales/ciencias de la tierra/geología
Topic index of NGU's Reference archive, NGU Report No. 91.102:
Natural resource management, geology, sediments, superficial deposits, sand, gravel, groundwater, infiltration, recipient, land/area planning
-1.10, 57.70, 31.90, 71.60
revision: 2009-04-30
2004-04-30 -
Løsmassene er en fundamental naturressurs på linje med vann og luft. De utgjør selve grunnlaget for plante- og dyreliv, og dermed for landbruk og bosetting. Løsmassedata er et nødvendig hjelpemiddel for å oppnå fornuftig arealdisponering og en best mulig forvaltning av løsmassene. Datasettet kan anvendes som underlag i overordnet areal- og miljøplanlegging, sårbarhetsanalyser, vurdering av grunnforhold, grunnvannspotensiale og infiltrasjonsmuligheter.
Geological Survey of Norway
Astrid Lyså
Leiv Eirikssonsvei 39, Trondheim, Norge/Norway
Role: point of contact

Data Quality

The data set is based on printed Quaternary maps. The data set "best of" cover the whole country, but in different scales. The field mapping work is most often carried out on base maps in scale 1.50.000 and generalized and aggregated afterwards for presentation in smaller scale printouts (for each county). Several of the manuscripts represent transparent foils from these printed maps. The maps where scanned and vectorised in Microstation and then exported to ArcGIS format, where several attributes (derived themes) are added to the data set according to the Norwegian feature catalogue SOSI. The data set contains at the moment only superficial deposit polygons and boundary lines, but will later on also contain structure lines and point symbols. Derived themes like infiltration capacity and ground water potential are also included, suitable as best practice information and guidance for the customer.
Equivalent Scale: 1: 250000 , 1: 50000


Løsmassedata i målestokkområdet 1:250.000 er beregnet for å gi en regional oversikt. I kommunal planlegging er det behov for mer detaljerte løsmassedata (N50 og større).
Copy Data from NGU shall not, without special permission is granted, be reused in WMS/WFS services which the customer / user might want to set up for internal / external reuse. If the customer / user want to include copy data from NGU in their own WMS/WFS solutions, the prepared WMS/WFS services from NGU should be used directly in the solutions.Your use of any information provided by the NGU is at your own risk. NGU gives no warranty, condition or representation as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of the information or its suitability for any use or purpose.

Metadata about metadata

Geological Survey of Norway (NGU)
Janne Grete Wesche
Leiv Eirikssons vei 39, Trondheim, 7491, NOR
tel: +47 73904000
Role: owner

Coupled Resource