GE.Bedrock 1:1 000 000 is a transformed version of the SGU product Bedrock1:1 million with the purpose to conform to the Inspire data specification for Geology encoded according to GeoSciML 4.0. It is also a contribution to the OneGeology initiative ( Data is represented in a two-dimensional model of the top of the bedrock, describing identified geological units geometry, the material composition of the units and geologic events that has acted on the units. Shear displacement structures like faults on the top of bedrock are also included in the model. The main features of the bedrock geology of Sweden is represented in the produkt and since it is based on compilation of bedrock maps of different scales, age and quality the accuracy of the data varies within the dataset. The product is produced for presentation at the scale of 1:1 miilion which means that some units are heavily generalized.
The dataset is a substantially improved version of the Geological map of the Fennoscandian Shield 2001. The information about lithology, dykes and tectonic structures has been updated by generalization of maps and databases produced by the Geological Survey of Sweden during the period 1999-2009. The legend has been revised in cooperation with the geological surveys of Finland and Norway, and includes recent results from radiometric age determinations.