Metadata 1577

DRASTIC parameter A
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), , Date Stamp: 2021-08-10
Area of interest of the GARAH project workpackage 2. The GARAH project focuses on the petroleum systems of both conventional and unconventional resources in the North Sea.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark, Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
Areas suited for groundwater disposal to surface water or municipal drains.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Austria (GBA), Austria, Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
Submerged archaeological sites subdivided as: 1. Cave site; 2. Open air site; 3. Settlement; 4. Other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey, United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-10-31
Submerged archaeological sites subdivided as: 1. Cave site; 2. Open air site; 3. Settlement; 4. Other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey, United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-10-31
Submerged archaeological sites subdivided as: 1. Cave site; 2. Open air site; 3. Settlement; 4. Other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey (BGS), United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-11-11
Submerged archaeological sites subdivided as: 1. Cave site; 2. Open air site; 3. Settlement; 4. Other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey (BGS), United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-11-11
Submerged archaeological sites subdivided as: 1. Cave site; 2. Open air site; 3. Settlement; 4. Other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey (BGS), United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-11-11
ASGI - Automated System of Geological Information application allows unified access and parametric search of reports and opinions saved in all CGS archives. It’s primarily documentation of Geofond department archive under the Act of geological projects and expert outputs from organization since it’s foundation. Besides detail information about reports allows thumbnail of digitized documents. Some documents from another geological organizations archives are also available.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-06-05
The ASGI Database ("Automated System of Geological Information") contains digital records of all unpublished reports and assessments stored in the CGS-Geofond Archive. It also includes information on some reports stored in the archives of geological companies. The database is an electronic cardfile, which enables users to search for reports according to selected criteria.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-02-27
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