Metadata 1632
The aquifer media layer is created by direct assignment of aquifers to A index values from 1-10. The metamorphic and igneous rocks were given the lowest ‘A’-value of 3 and the karstified limestone is given the highest value of 10. The majority of the catchment can be grouped into bedded sedimentary rocks and given a value of 6.
The aquifer media layer is created by direct assignment of aquifers to A index values from 1-10. The majority of the catchment is underlain by karst and the karstified limestone is given the highest value of 10. The remainder of the catchment is considered bedded sedimentary rocks and given a value of 6.
The 3D depth model of the Entenschnabel region has been built during July 2018 to March 2019, as part of WP3 of the 3DGEO-EU project. It is a preliminary, generalized model that has been used as input for burial studies within the GARAH-project. The study area covers the Entenschnabel in the northwestern part of the German North Sea sector and the adjacent areas in Denmark and the Netherlands. The model is based on 8 seismically interpreted horizons.
A set of individual 3D models of the Kutná Hora ore district - Kaňk locality includes a 3D landscape model, which includes a 5th generation digital elevation model (DEM 5G), a 3D structural-geological model, and a 3D model of mining works and underground spaces. Each partial model is a separate entity, sufficiently representing the geological, geomorphological, and mining situation of the area of interest. These 3D models are essential foundations for a comprehensive methodological solution and the creatio...
factor A of DRASTIC groundwater vulnerability of Traun-Enns-Platte/AUSTRIA
Aquifer media, for Sarmatian aquifer in Dobrogea de Sud, Romania
WMS Service displays key information on areas where underground mining or mineral exploration was undertaken in the past. It provides warnings about areas where subsidence or other hazards may occur due to the presence of underground spaces.
This database contains key information on areas in the Czech Republic, where underground mining or mineral exploration were undertaken in the past. It provides warnings about areas where subsidence or other hazards may occur due to the presence of underground spaces.
Open dataset contains key information on areas in the Czech Republic, where underground mining or mineral exploration were undertaken in the past. The mine workings are irregularly distributed within the vector representation and at different depths. Polygons can also contain completely unmined sections. The possible damage to the terrain by mining activities is usually smaller than the extent of the vector representation.
Long term average (LTA) actual evapotranspiration (AET) for the European domain at 1 km spatial resolution for the period 1981-2010. The AET estimate is based on merging Budyko estimates and satellite estimates. The LTA AET data set i part of a series of gridded datasets established in the TACTIC project for estimating Potential Groundwater Recharge (GWRpot). The data available are AET, Effective precipitation (Peff=Precipitation-AET), Groundwater Recharge coefficient (Rcoef defined as the ratio: Peff / GW...