Abandoned mine lands of the Czech Republic

Open dataset contains key information on areas in the Czech Republic, where underground mining or mineral exploration were undertaken in the past. The mine workings are irregularly distributed within the vector representation and at different depths. Polygons can also contain completely unmined sections. The possible damage to the terrain by mining activities is usually smaller than the extent of the vector representation.
Geoscientific information
CGS Geoscientific themes: GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0:
HVD category: GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1: European Geoscience Registry - Projects: GeoERA Keyword Thesaurus: Spatial scope: Data theme, EU: EuroVoc theme:
Open data
11.990, 48.253, 18.910, 51.247
creation: 2022-09-22, publication: 2022-10-11
1985-01-01 - now
The purpose is to inventory areas with detected undermining according to the Geological Act (No. 62/1988 Coll., on geological works, as amended). These areas can have an impact on the development of urban planning documentation and on the environment. CGS provides data on undermined areas to public authorities and spatial planning authorities in accordance with the valid Building Act. Furthermore, this data is used in the assessment of mine workings impacts and the processing of complex information about the territory.
Czech Geological Survey
RNDr. Vít Štrupl, Ph.D.
Kostelní 364/26, Praha 7, 170 00, Česká republika
tel: +420234742144
Role: point of contact
Czech Geological Survey
Ing. Zuzana Gajdošová
Dačického náměstí 11/7, Kutná Hora, 284 01, Česká republika
tel: +420327512220
Role: principal investigator
Czech Geological Survey
RNDr. Vít Štrupl, Ph.D.
Kostelní 364/26, Praha 7, 170 00, Česká republika
tel: +420234742144
Role: resource provider
Czech Geological Survey
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089411
Role: custodian

Data Quality

The register of Abandoned mine lands was created in the years 1983 - 1985. The monitored data was gradually transferred to a unified database, and is being continuously updated along with its vector representation. The sources of the data involve expert opinions and reports, mining maps and other available documentation. The register is processed at the workplace in Kutná Hora, where record sheets, map documents and literature are also stored. Other documents, including expert opinions and reports, are stored in the CGS Geofond archive.
Equivalent Scale: 1: 5000


Metadata about metadata

Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Olga Moravcová, Ph.D.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089445
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource