Inventory of generalized faults and tectonic boundaries such as associated structural regions in Germany, presented at following scales: 1.) German onshore (1: 2.500.000 - 1: 500000), 2.) Baltic Sea (1:1000000 - 1:250000), 3.) Central German North Sea (1:1000000 - 1:100000), 4.) Entenschnabel region - The northwestern German North Sea sector (1:1000000 - 1:50000).
The used fault datasets were compiled from former mapping projects. These were used for a complete exploration and structural interpretation of the subsurface of Germany and as a basis for the evaluation of different potentials of the subsurface. No site explorations were represented in these data, or they were only roughly generalized.
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)
Adoption of generalized and from different map series derived fault data of the "Geothermal Atlas" (Schulz et al. 2013) for onshore Germany, compilation and generalization of fault data for the Central German North Sea sector from Baldschuhn et al. (2001) and compilation and generalization of fault data from Seidel et al. (2018), Seidel (2019) and Doornenbal & Stevenson (2010) for the Baltic Sea.