GeoERA HOVER WP7 / Pan-European Vulnerability to Pollution DRASTIC

DRASTIC represents the groundwater pollution potential of the uppermost aquifer systems over Europe in five classes 1 - 5 (very low, low, moderate, high, very high) on a 1 km pixel basis. The DRASTIC index according to Aller et al. (1987) is constituated as a weighted linear sum of seven environmental parameters (Depth to water table, Net recharge, Aquifer media, Soil media, Topography/slope, Impact of vadose zone media, Hydraulic conductivity) with parameter classes scored from 1..10 for their specific impact on groundwater pollution potential.
Geoscientific information
Spatial scope: European Geoscience Registry - Projects:
Groundwater, Pollution Potential, Aquifer, Europe, DRASTIC, EGDI
-24.591, 30.355, 71.467, 71.201
creation: 2020-10-19
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)
Stilleweg 2, Hanover, 30655, Germany
Role: originator

Data Quality

DRASTIC calculation and parameter scoring was done with SAGA GIS 7.7.1 software.


Metadata about metadata

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)
Stilleweg 2, Hanover, 30655, Germany
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource