Gridded estimates of travel times for nitrate in the unsaturated zone in six european countries

This dataset consists of gridded estimates of travel times for nitrate in the unsaturated zone for Great Britain (UK), France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Croatia and Slovenia. Data for Croatia and Slovenia are presented from a regional scale pilot study, with data from the remaining countries at the national scale. The dataset was developed in Work Package 5 of the GeoERA Groundwater project HOVER.
WMS (EN) - OGC WMS service endpoint, to allow viewing of model data
Map application (EN) - GeoERA groundwater portal
WMS (EN) - GetCapabilities response for OGC WMS service, to allow viewing of model data
Web page (CS) - HOVER project web site
no language
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0:
Spatial scope: GeoERA Keyword Thesaurus: European Geoscience Registry - Projects:
-10.632, 40.581, 20.305, 61.439
creation: 2020-12-30
British Geological Survey
Matthew Ascott
Crowmarsh, OX3 0JS, United Kingdom
Role: point of contact

Data Quality

This dataset was created in WP5 of the HOVER project of GeoERA. It was derived from national and regional scale models of travel times for nitrate in the unsaturated zone.
Minimal Distance: 1000 m


View only access.

Metadata about metadata

British Geological Survey
Dr Matthew Ascott
Crowmarsh, OX3 0JS, United Kingdom
tel: (+44) 0149 183 8800
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource