Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution P factor map (Precipitation) in karstic aquifers of Catalonia according to COP
Precipitation factor map indicates the reduction of groundwater surface protection due to climatic settings. It is expressed as a value according to COP ranges from 0.4 to 1, being the range 0.4-0.5 the highest degree of protection reduction and the range of 0.9-1 the lowest degree of protection reduction.
The precipitation factor map has been calculated considering two subfactors: the quantity of precipitation (Pq) and the intensity (Pi). The first one, considers the average value of rainfall of the wettest years and, the second one, the average number of rainy days per year. To compute these subfactors, it has been used the annual precipitation map of Catalonia, precipitation data of meteorological stations (annual rainy days) from the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC). Spatial analysis tools has been used to interpolate and reclassify the data compiled in order to calculate Pscore, according to COP ranges.