DRASTIC parameter: C (Hydraulic conductivity). Upper Guadiana Basin (UGB).
C parameter refers to the ability of the aquifer materials to transmit water. The values of the conductivity (m/s) are classified into eight classes and a rate is assigned to each class: < 5.0*10-7: [1] 5.0*10-7 - 5.0*10-5: [2] > 5.0*10-5 - 1.5*10-4: [3] > 1.5*10-4- 3.5*10-4: [4] > 3.5*10-4- 5.0*10-4: [6] > 5.0*10-4- 1.0*10-3: [8] > 1.0*10-3 - 1.0*10-2: [9] > 1.0*10-2: [10] In the Upper Guadiana Basin pilot, the conductivity in the Upper Guadiana Basin takes values in all the ranges proposed for the classification of this parameter in DRASTIC. The north area has low conductivity (below 1.5*10-4 m/s although there exists a small area with conductivity higher than 10-3. The central area takes values between 1.5*10-4 and 10-3 m/s and the conductivity in the southern area is mainly in the range of 3.5*10-4 – 5*10-4 m/s.
DRASTIC parameter: C
- DRASTIC parameter: C (Hydraulic conductivity). Upper Guadiana Basin (UGB).