DRASTIC parameter: D (Depth to water). Upper Guadiana Basin (UGB).
D parameter represents the depth of the surface below the ground level where all the pore spaces are filled with water. The values of the depth to water (m) are classified into seven classes and a rate is assigned to each class (<1.5 m = [10]; 1.5 - 5 = [9]; 5 - 10 [7]; 10 - 15: [5]; 15 - 25: [3]; 25 - 50: [2]; >50 = [1]). In the Upper Guadiana Basin pilot, depth to water table is higher than 15 meters in most of the pilot area due to the intensive groundwater withdrawal since the early 1970s.
DRASTIC parameter: D
- DRASTIC parameter: D (Depth to water). Upper Guadiana Basin (UGB).
Depth to water data come from the simulation flow model of the River Basin Authority. The mean of the simulated data for each grid point from 1974 to 2015 was calculated and then it was interpolated by using IDW interpolation technique in GIS.