MINDeSEA WP5 Marine Placer Deposits (Area)

Marine placer deposits have received much attention during marine exploration. They comprise detrital heavy metallic minerals and gemstones, eroded from, usually igneous, source rocks on land and transported to sea, mostly by rivers. Thereby placer deposits are concentrated by water motions (waves, tides, currents). The most important of these minerals, from an economical aspect, are: cassiterite (tin), ilmenite and rutile (titanium), zircon (zirconium), chromite (chromium), monazite (thorium), magnetite (iron), gold; the principle gemstone is diamond (Harben & Bates 1990). According to Daesslé and Fischer (2013) about 75% of the world’s tin, 11% of gold, and 13% of platinum are extracted from placers (Baker et al. 2014). Marine placer occurrences can be classified taking into account various factors.
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0:
Spatial scope: GeoERA Keyword Thesaurus: European Geoscience Registry - Projects: INSPIRE theme register:
GEMET - Themes, version 4.1.4, 13 Feb 2020: GEMET - Themes, version 4.1.4, 13 Feb 2020: GEMET - Themes, version 4.1.4, 13 Feb 2020: SeaDataNet sea areas: DBpedia: ISO 3166: ISO 3166: EIONET - themes, version 4.1.4, 2020-02-13: EIONET - themes, version 4.1.4, 2020-02-13: LinkedIn: DBpedia: DBpedia: DBpedia:
-33.2252780002794, 23.8820000000001, 58.4747260001049, 82.4661170002994
creation: 2019-04-27, publication: 2019-04-27, revision: 2020-04-27
1970-01-01 - 1970-12-31
min: 1 max: 50
CRS: ()
One of the main objectives of the MINDeSEA project is to compile fragmented marine data products and metadata on areas explored and investigated for marine placer deposits and make them available through an information platform. The portal will provide access to data and metadata held by each organisation based on standards developed in the Geo-Seas (www.geo-seas.eu) and EMODnet-Geology (www.emodnet-geology.eu) projects and data products compiled at a scale of 1:250,000 (Phase 2), 1:100.000 (Phase 3) and more detailed scale when possible. We need to know and understand the location, extent and formation processes of marine placer deposits and how they are concentrated on the mineralization. It is necessary to identify areas with potential deposits as sources of the marine placer minerals within the EU and associated countries waters. The specific objectives of MINDeSEA WP5 will be: - Provide a systematic characterisation of marine placer deposits, by means of geological setting, sourcing, age, mineral content and other controlling factors. - Identify the main provinces where such deposits occur, taking into account spatial and temporal attributes, and provide models of formation. - Develop harmonised datasets and maps of marine placer deposits for the European seas, along with mineral-potential and prospectivity maps. - Establish synergy with on-shore RM research projects to use common standards and methodologies where applicable. - Analyse present-day status in terms of regulation, legislation and exploitation of placer deposits and demonstrate the efficiency of a pan-European research approach for mineral exploration.
Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration (IGME)
Irene Zananiri
Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration, 1 Spirou Loui str. Olympic Village, 13677 Acharnae, Greece
tel: +30-213-133-7000
Role: principal investigator

Data Quality

Data modeling used D2.8.III.21 Data Specification on Mineral resources - Technical Guidelines to generate data schema for Ferro-manganese Crusts data produced by EMODnet Geology WP7 Minerals and MINDeSEA WP8 Link to Information Plaform for MINDeSEA WP4 Ferro-manganese crusts, phosphorites and Critical Raw Materials. The INSPIRE MineralResourcesCore UML class diagam applied for the spatial data attributes includes the following feature types: MineralOccurrence, Mine, MiningActivity, MineralDepositModel. The MINDeSEA WP4 applies the following tables: Chemistry, economic, environment, metallogeny, other and phosphoritesCriticalRawMaterials as agreed by the WP4 and WP8 leaders.
Equivalent Scale: 1: 230000


Metadata about metadata

Geological Survey Ireland (GSI)
MINDeSEA WP8 Link to Information Platform Metadata Manager
Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, D04 K7X4, Ireland
tel: +353-01-6782709
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource