Landslides in the Czech Republic – INSPIRE harmonized (theme Natural risk zones)

Landslides dataset generated as the INSPIRE layer from the Slope Deformations Register, which contains basic data of registered and verified slope deformations in the Czech Republic (landslides, solifluction, rock falls, etc.).
dataset -
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0:
Spatial scope: CGS Geoscientific themes: GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1: European Geoscience Registry - Projects:
11.99, 48.253, 18.91, 51.247
creation: 2018
1976 - now
fullfillment of requirements of the INSPIRE directive
Czech Geological Survey
RNDr. Oldřich Krejčí, Ph.D.
Leitnerova 204/22, Brno, 602 00, Česká republika
tel: +420543429263
Role: point of contact
Czech Geological Survey
Vladimír Ambrozek
Leitnerova 204/22, Brno, 602 00, Česká republika
tel: +420543429223
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089411
Role: custodian

Data Quality

Landslides dataset generated as the INSPIRE layer from the Slope Instability Register, which contains basic data of registered and verified slope instabilities in the Czech Republic (landslides, solifluction, rock falls, etc.).
Equivalent Scale: 1: 10000


Metadata about metadata

Czech Geological Survey
Ing. Lucie Kondrová, Ph.D.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089434
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource