ГЛЗРМ Карта на геолошки формации на Република Македонија 1:500000

GEORM500k represents a simplified version of the geological map 1:500 000. Units are set aside in chronostratigraphic order. Mostly distributed are the old, prevailingly Pre-Cambrian formations which are raised eroded cores of megastructures. The old crystalline rocks are divided into lower and upper complexes . All rocks are metamorphosed under the conditions of amphibolites facies. Here are undoubtedly established Ordovician meta-sandstones, sericite schists and quartzites with marbles. The Mesozoic formations are comparatively less distributed. The Lower Triassic (sandstones, conglomerates, claystones and limestones) and Middle Triassic limestones can be found in Macedonia. The Jurassic and Lover Cretaceous have not been yet established in this area. Miocene end Pliocene sediments are mostly sands, clastics and pyroclastic. Regarding magmatic rocks granitoids, andesite-dacites and youngest basalts occur.
Geoscientific information
One Geology Europe - Concepts, version 1.0:
GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1:
20.403, 40.738, 23.106, 42.387
creation: 2015-06-19
Геолошки завод на Република Македонија
Luka Jovicic
Bulevard St. Kliment Ohridski, 15, Skopje, 1000, Macedonia
tel: +389 2 3 201 458
Role: owner

Data Quality

Equivalent Scale: 1: 500000


a. Датасетот не е подготвен за: Картата је креирана во размер 1:500000, за научни цели и не може да се користи за подетални геолошки информации.
b. Се наплаќа: не
c. Дополнителни услови: не
d. Дополнителни информации: http://geol.gov.mk/en/Contact.aspx

Metadata about metadata

Геолошки завод на Република Македонија
Luka Jovicic
Bulevard St. Kliment Ohridski, 15, Skopje, 1000, Macedonia
tel: +389 2 3 201 458
Role: owner

Coupled Resource