Quaternary geological map of Slovakia – Quaternary genetical (deposits) types, J. Maglay et al., M 1 : 500 000

Geological map of the Quaternary of Slovakia at a scale of 1 : 500 000 compiled by J. Maglay et al. showing different types of Quaternary deposits according to their origin. The map plainly shows the spatial distribution and surface extent of all primary, as well as some selected "transitional" genetic types of Quaternary sedimentary and volcanic rocks in Slovakia. It presents a basic picture of the sequence of their evolution and their patterns of distribution and deposition. A component of the map is a lithostratigraphic classification of the Quaternary of Slovakia.
: sk:gov:mzp:sguds:GEOIS.PM_KM_GT_500
Geoscientific information
One Geology Europe - Concepts, version 1.0:
GEOLOGY/surface geology
GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1:
science/natural science/earth science/geology
Danube Region
15.623, 47.027, 23.795, 50.629
creation: 2009-03-30
2006 - 2009
State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur
RNDr. Štefan Káčer
Mlynská dolina 1, Bratislava, 81704, Slovenská republika
tel: +421 2 59375155
Role: custodian

Data Quality

1G-E:percentCoverage=100; 1G-E:geometricHarmonization=yes; 1G-E:thematicHarmonization=yes; 1G-E:geometricHarmonizationDescription: 1G-E:thematicHarmonizationDescription: add here additional information...
Equivalent Scale: 1: 500000


conditions unknown
No limitations

Metadata about metadata

State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur
RNDr. Štefan Káčer
Mlynská dolina 1, Bratislava, 81704, Slovakia
tel: +421 2 59375155
Role: author

Coupled Resource