Metadata 1533

R values are classified from 1 to 10. Groundwater recharge (GSI National Groundwater Recharge Map) varies between 55 mm/a and 681 mm/a across the Rockingham catchment. Areas underlain by clay have the lowest groundwater recharge and lowest R values. The highest groundwater recharge occurs in areas where rock is at near the surface or around karst features.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), Ireland, Date Stamp: 2023-12-06
factor R of DRASTIC groundwater vulnerability of Traun-Enns-Platte/AUSTRIA
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Austria (GBA), , Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
Net recharge, for Sarmatian aquifer in Dobrogea de Sud, Romania
Metadata Contact: Geological Institute of Romania (IGR), , Date Stamp: 2023-10-23
The Oracle SDE database contains data on anomalous values of natural radioactivity, detected during surface prospecting of radioactive raw materials. It summarizes the databases "Radiometry - anomalous objects (RO)", "Radiometry - anomalous territory (ANUZ)" and "Radiometric exploration". These are radioecological data from approximately fifty years of work (1945-1994) of the former Czechoslovak Uranium Industry (ČSUP).
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-06-19
WMS service displays the Radiometric field map of the Czech Republic 1:500,000 (M. Manová, M. Matolín, 1995). This map was published by the Czech Geological Survey in the Atlas of map of the Czech Republic (GEOCR500) in 1998. Data on the gamma dose rate of rocks are based on regional and detailed airborne measurement of terrestrial radiation. The data of the map illustrate the regional distribution of natural radionuclides in rocks in the Czech Republic.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2023-11-27
ArcGIS Server Service displays the Radiometric field map of the Czech Republic 1:500 000 (M. Manová, M. Matolín, 1995). This map was published by the Czech Geological Survey in the Atlas of map of Czech Republic (GEOCR500) in 1998. Data on the gamma dose rate of rocks are based on regional and detailed airborne measurement of terrestrial radiation. The data of the map illustrate the regional distribution of natural radionuclides in rocks and an above-average rock radioactivity in the Czech Republic.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-02-07
Radiometric map of the Czech Republic (M. Manová, M. Matolín,1995) describes the natural radioactivity of the rocks on the Earth's surface. The radioactivity field is expressed in a batch a dose rate of gamma radiation of rocks 1 m above the Earth's surface. Map data defines the regions of low and high radioactivity.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-06-19
This database contains depictions of areas explored for radioactive minerals by the former Czechoslovak Uranium Industry. The areas are indicated separately according to the following survey methods: surface or vehicle-born gamma survey, emanometry in test pits up to 1 m deep, combined emanometry and gamma survey in test pits up to 1 m deep, and combined emanometry and gamma survey in test pits 1-15 m deep.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-02-28
This database contains data from radiometric survey. Radiometry means the measurement of the total gamma-ray activity of natural radioactive isotopes on the Earth’s surface, in the past the total exposure rate was measured. The first stage (measurement of exposure rate) was carried out in 1957-1973 using Geiger-Mueller counter; this survey covered the whole territory of the Czech Republic, measured data is stored in [µR/h]. Next stage started in 1976 when total gamma-ray activity was registered simultaneou...
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-02-28
Mapy radiometricky anomálních území (ANUZ) mají podat základní představu o radiační zátěži jednotlivých regionálních celků a zhodnotit příspěvek nalezených anomálních objektů ke zvýšení radiační zátěže. Ta je závislá zejména na primární koncentraci uranu, strukturně-tektonické stavbě území, hloubce zdroje, propustnosti zemin atd. Hodnocení proměřeného území z hlediska radiační zátěže je členěno do tří kategorií – vysoké, střední a nízké radioekologické zatížení.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-02-28
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