Metadata 1533

The I layer represents the impact of the vadoze zone and was derived from the soil parent material information of the European Soil Regions Map 1:5 Millon (ESRM5000, according to a scoring scheme proposed by the HOVER project
The R layer represents the mean annual net groundwater recharge for the climatic normal period 1961 - 1990, scored (classified) for index values 1...10 according to class breaks proposed by the HOVER project. The recharge caluclation was performed on an averaged montly basis using WORLDCLIM 1.4 climate data (precipitation, temperature, downscaled to 1 km resolution, and a temperature-based approach to claculate effective precipitation on a monthly basis...
The S layer represents soil media with direct assignment of S index values according to a proposal made by the HOVER project. Soil media was derived from soil types as provoided as a 1km grid cell raster data product from the Soil Geographical Database of Europe (SGDBE,
The T layer represents topographical information, i.e. the slope angle calculated from GTOPO30 1 km resolution elevation data, classified using class breaks proposed by the HOVER project
Information about boreholes harvested from European institutions, mainly Geological Survey Organisations. The services is provided to EPOS
Metadata Contact: BRGM, , Date Stamp: 2022-06-08
Product by the Pangeo project: PanGeo provides information about the stability of the ground on which we live, work and play. Ground instability, or "geohazards", affect us all. They can be dangerous and costly, yet information on these phenomena can be difficult if not impossible to obtain. The PanGeo service provides entirely free access to geohazard information for many of the largest cities in Europe .The PanGeo service is aimed at local authorities, civil protection agenc...
Date Stamp: 2016-05-19
This is PSI data for Parnu, Estonia. It has been provided by Altamira Information as part of the ESA funded Terrafirma project.
Date Stamp: 2016-06-29
Perama Hill is a high sulphidation deposit hosted by tertiary sandstones (Lescuyer 2003) and is located on the east margin of Petrota graben.Perama gold mineralisation is related the late Eocene-Oligocene volcanism in the Rhodope massif.Gold mineralisation is associated with a series of wide (>1,5m) to narrow (few cm) milky quartz-barite veins and stockwork veining in the vuggy silica block.Gold in microsized was also found disseminated in the surrounding altered (oxide mineralisation) epiclasti...
Metadata Contact: Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME), Greece, Date Stamp: 2021-11-04
The Permeability Map of Spain at a scale of 1:1,000,000 is the Hydrogeological Map of Spain at a scale of 1:1,000,000, classified according to permeability. Permeability is represented by colours, while lithostratigraphy or hydrogeology is represented by symbolisation of the materials. ...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), España, Date Stamp: 2022-10-07
The continuous and digital Permeability Map of Spain at a scale of 1:200.000000 is based on the continuous Lithostratigraphic Map of Spain at a scale of 1:200.000 and represents the mapped lithostratigraphic levels grouped by similar permeability values. In order to carry it out, firstly, a ...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), España, Date Stamp: 2022-11-23
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