Mineral Resources Database (Industrial Rocks and Minerals)

Bdmin (RandMI) contains the information related to the mines (abandoned, intermittent or active) and traces of industrial rocks and minerals. These data have been generated by IGME through numerous projects from the early 1970s to the present day. It is national in scope. The information is structured in different sections: Identification, location, mining domain, mining-I (technical parameters), mining-II (socio-economic and commercial parameters), geology and complementary information. The storage format is SQLServer. It is publicly accessible, except for some of the data contained in the database, which are of restricted access, such as the owner and operator of the mining domain, the operator, as well as their addresses and contact telephone numbers, data on reserves, productions and marketing prices of the final product.
Nenalezeno http://catalogo.igme.es/thumbnails/espigmebdminrymi2015020613_1___spa.png
: 13-1
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0:
GEMET - Supergrupos, grupos y conceptos:
Mineral resources
IGME Thesaurus:
Industrial Rocks and Minerals
Natural Stone
Mineral resources
Industrial minerals
Mining Mapping
Thematic mapping
Mining resources
Industrial rocks
European Geoscience Registry - Projects: Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe register 1.0, 2014:
Underground and opencast mining
Mineral Products
Non-metallic minerals
Mineral deposit
Continuous active operation
Abandoned operation
Spatial scope:
Industrial Minerals
-18.25, 27.50, 4.78, 43.89
creation: 2006-11-01, publication: 2009-12-01, revision: 2014-03-12
The main objective of the creation project was the generation of a public service for the dissemination of mineral resources data via the Internet. This database integrates the pre-existing information generated by the IGME in the field of Industrial Rocks and Minerals and that which has been generated since its implementation, so that it is constantly being updated.
Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
Teresa Sánchez García Teresa Sánchez García
Ríos Rosas, 23, Madrid, 28003, España
tel: (+34) 91 349 5794
Role: point of contact

Data Quality

The most important activities carried out to obtain the BDMIN database were, firstly, the technical design of the database, taking into account the information taken from each of the stations (quarries or signs) in the field work and, subsequently, the compilation, transformation, purification or digitalisation of the information, both cartographic and complementary, on industrial rocks and minerals. This information is contained in old field sheets and in old databases of industrial rocks and minerals and is completed and updated with the information generated in projects and actions related to the subject in successive actions.
Equivalent Scale: 1: 50000 , 1: 25000
REGLAMENTO (CE) No 1205/2008 DE LA COMISIÓN de 3 de diciembre de 2008 por el que se ejecuta la Directiva 2007/2/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo en lo que se refiere a los metadatos


LICENCE OF USE: Conditions of public use and dissemination of information for the re-use of IGME data.http://www.igme.es/Ayuda/CondiUso.htm

Metadata about metadata

Geological Survey of Spain (IGME)
Leticia Vega Martín Leticia Vega Martín
C/ Ríos Rosas, 23, Madrid, 28003, España
tel: +34 91 349 57 41
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource