Metadata 1577
The difference in groundwater levels calculated by the hydrodynamic model in m between 2071-2100 and 1975-2004; RCA4/CNRM-CM5/RCP4.5 climate model. Simulated by a 2000 m by 2000 m grid, resolution: 1000 m by 1000 m grid. Unit: Meters. In the frame of NATeR - NAGIS,
The difference in groundwater levels calculated by the hydrodynamic model in m between 2071-2100 and 1975-2004; RCA4/CNRM-CM5/RCP8.5 climate model. Simulated by a 2000 m by 2000 m grid, resolution: 1000 m by 1000 m grid. Unit: Meters.In the frame of NATeR - NAGIS,
Zones inside groundwater bodies or groundwater bodies potentially leading to operational problems for shallow geothermal use due to a critical chemical composition.
A Talajvíztükör NATéR témakörhöz tartozó térképsorozat.
Areas dedicated to drinking water or curative water supply, which might limit the use of shallow geothermal energy.
Groundwater Recharge Coefficient (Rcoef) for the European domain at 1 km spatial resolution for the period 1981-2010. The Rcoef estimate is based on a machine learning approach trained against gridded Rcoef estimates from seven national pilots in Europe. The Rcoef data set i part of a series of gridded datasets established in the TACTIC project for estimating Potential Groundwater Recharge (GWRpot). The data available are AET, Effective precipitation (Peff=Precipitation-AET), Groundwater Recharge coefficie...
A dataset used to display the intrinsic geological and hydrogeological characteristics that determine the ease with which groundwater may be contaminated by human activities.
Assessment of the potential threat of groundwater from pollution (i.e. natural vulnerability) is a necessary base for any type of planning and management of groundwater resources. The ultimate goal of the vulnerability map is the subdivision of an area into several units showing the differential degree of vulnerability. Isolated areas or vulnerability classes are presented in different colors or hatches, very easy to understand for the entire professional public, not just geological (which is very importan...
Type of aquifer media distribution map expressed as an index value according to DRASTIC ranges from 1 to 10. The highest values correspond mainly to unconsolidated detrital and karstified aquifers. The lowest values correspond to loam formations and other low permeability geological units.