Metadata 1600
Iso-content maps of Germanium (Ge), one of the chemical elements.obtained in the Geochemical Atlas of Spain Project, distributed in stream sediments (14,864 samples), superficial soils (0-20 cm.) (13,505 samples) and deeper soils (20-40 cm.) (7,682 samples). The results of the chemical analysis are shown in two types: total dissolution of the sample with 4 acids and partial dissolution with aqua regia. With the analytical results of all the sampled points, an isocontent map is made with adjustment to a squ...
Website of the association of informatics of national Geological Surveys Organisations (GSOs) "GIC - Geoscience Information Consortium". The GIC was established to exchange information among GSOs on the use and management of geoscience information systems for the international support of Earth sciences.
Network of Permanent GNSS Stations in Greece operated by the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Geodetic Observatory Pecny and the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Geophysics, in close cooperation with the Seismological Laboratory of University of Patras
Research and experimental network of permanent GNSS stations operated by the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Geodetic Observatory Pecny in cooperation with more academic and research institutions in the Czech Republic: Brno University of Technology, Palacky University of Olomouc, Technical University of Ostrava, West-Bohemia University in Pilsen, Institute for atmospehric physics CAS, Military Geography and Hydrometeorologic Office Dobruska.
Orbits of GNSS satellites and Earth rotation parameters based on analysis of GNSS observations from a global network of IGS (International GNSS Service) stations in rapid or ultra-rapid processing mode.
Coordinate time series based on analysing GNSS observations from a subset of EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) or CZECH - GNSS networks in Czech Republic - VESOG, GEONAS, CZEPOS. It includes daily solutions from EUREF processing or EUREF reanalyses.
Iso-content maps of Gold (Au), one of the chemical elements.obtained in the Geochemical Atlas of Spain Project, distributed in stream sediments (14,864 samples), superficial soils (0-20 cm.) (13,505 samples) and deeper soils (20-40 cm.) (7,682 samples). The results of the chemical analysis are shown in two types: total dissolution of the sample with 4 acids and partial dissolution with aqua regia. With the analytical results of all the sampled points, an isocontent map is made with adjustment to a square g...
This is PSI data for Gorgoglione, Italy. It has been provided by TRE as part of the ESA funded Terrafirma project.
This is PSI data for Gorgoglione, Italy. It has been provided by GAMMA Remote Sensing as part of the ESA funded Terrafirma project.
This is PSI data for Gorgoglione, Italy. It has been provided by GAMMA Remote Sensing as part of the ESA funded Terrafirma project.