Visualization Service (WMS) of Spanish Inventory of Places of Geological Interest
Service of visualization of the database of the Spanish Inventory of Places of Geological Interest (IELIG) which, in accordance with Law 42/2007, is prepared and updated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, with the collaboration of the Autonomous Communities and scientific institutions. Royal Decree 1274/2011 entrusts the IGME with the completion of this inventory, without prejudice to the actions that the Autonomous Communities, in the use of their powers, carry out to complete it in their respective territories. For this reason, in the "origin" field of each LIG file it is indicated whether the site has been inventoried in IGME inventory or cartographic projects, in the international project Global Geosites or in autonomic inventory projects.
REGLAMENTO (CE) No 1205/2008 DE LA COMISIÓN de 3 de diciembre de 2008 por el que se ejecuta la Directiva 2007/2/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo en lo que se refiere a los metadatos