MIN4EU harmonized dataset - "Minerals Inventory" - national data for Poland

Under the Act of June 9, 2011, Geological and Mining Law (Journal of Laws No. 163, item 981, as amended) Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PIG-PIB) performs the role of Polish Geological Survey. One of the tasks of PIG-PIB as Geological Survey is to create and maintain geological databases, in this including the system MIDAS (the System of management and protection of mineral resources in Poland – MIDAS). System MIDAS is the primary source of information on mineral resources of Poland, the exploitation of deposits and it is the source of data for the project Mintell4eu. The System contains information on deposits (and its spatial location), raw materials in deposits, raw materials resources and on the raw materials volumes of exploitation. In addition, it also contains data on mining areas and exploatation permits (concessions) as well as their spatial location. The owner of the colected data is the State Treasury represented by the proper minister resposible for geology.
WFS download service for data from database MIDAS transformed and harmonized for Mintell4eu project (the service is currently unavailable) - Service allows to download data of database MIDAS transformed and harmonized for Mintell4eu project (the service is currently unavailable)
: http://dane.pgi.gov.pl/id/dataset/PL.ZIPGL.326/MIDAS-Mintell4eu
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0:
Spatial scope: GeoERA Keyword Thesaurus:
obszary górnicze
tereny górnicze
14.12, 49.00, 24.15, 54.84
creation: 2021-09-02, publication: 2021-10-28
1988 - 2024
Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI-NRI)
Rakowiecka 4, Warszawa, 00-975, Polska
tel: +48224592000
Role: custodian

Data Quality

Equivalent Scale: 1: 1000
INSPIRE Data Specification on Mineral Resources – Technical Guidelines
INSPIRE Data Specification on Energy Resources – Technical Guidelines


Metadata about metadata

Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI-NRI)
Rakowiecka 4, Warszawa, 00-975, Polska
tel: +48224592000
Role: custodian

Coupled Resource