European Unconventional Oil and Gas Assessment (EUOGA)
Within the European wide EUOGA project 82 hydrocarbon bearing shale formations within 21 countries were assessed for their unconventional resource potential. A stochastic volumetric assessment could be carried out for 49 formations, 15 of which are concluded to hold both shale gas and shale oil, 26 only gas and 8 only oil. The total resource estimation for all assessed shale formations in all countries combined amounts to 89.23 tcm of gas and 31.4 billion barrels of oil in place.
Results of call for tender by JRC Institute for Energy and Transport (JRC-IET) “NL-Petten: Provision of a geological evaluation of potential unconventional oil and gas resources in Europe" JRC/PTT/2015/F.3/0027/NC
The National Geological Surveys (NGS) participating in the EUOGA project provided all public data and information available from their respective countries, using a common description template developed by the EUOGA project team members. Gathered data for each shale formation are stored in an ESRI file geodatabase. The description also includes a full bibliographic reference database with more than 240 references comprising the current state of the art of scientific research of European shale gas and oil.