3D GeoCIM model of the Perštýn locality within the city of Liberec

Within the framework of an internal project of the Czech Geological Survey, a pilot GeoCIM model of a selected area in the Perštýn locality within the city of Liberec was developed. The work included the processing of available data obtained from data sources from CGS, from the Liberec City Hall and from the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec. In parallel to the research work, a proposal of possible layers of the model was prepared and consulted with the Liberec City Council. On the basis of the obtained data, a 3D model was built using MOVE and Agisoft Metashape software. This model included the gathered data and also interpreted data (e.g. the groundwater level). The aim was to make this model available to the Municipality of Liberec. The resulting model was therefore transferred to the online 3D viewer on the CGS website. As part of making the specific data available, the model was also converted into a data acquisition application that is based entirely on opensource and freely available technologies.
Geoscientific information
European Geoscience Registry - Projects:
GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1: CGS Geoscientific themes: Spatial scope:
3D model
urban geology
15.054, 50.762, 15.063, 50.769
creation: 2022-05-30, publication: 2022-06-30
2021 - 2022
min: max:
CRS: Balt 1957 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/8357)
min: 200 max:
CRS: Lokální - hloubka (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/1049)
CGS internal project No. 310770 (Subsurface geoinformation models)
Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Ondřej Švagera
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089484
Role: point of contact
Czech Geological Survey
doc. Ing. Jan Jelínek, Ph.D.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089464
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Ing. Martin Paleček
Leitnerova 204/22, Brno, 602 00, Česká republika
tel: +420543429261
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
RNDr. Zita Bukovská, Ph.D.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089488
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Tomáš Hroch
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089570
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Jan Jelének
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089438
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Lucie Koucká
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089438
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
RNDr. Josef Klomínský, CSc.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089488
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Mgr. Jaroslav Řihošek
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420251085240
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Ing. Jan Malík
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089485
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Ing. Martin Kýhos
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089438
Role: processor
Czech Geological Survey
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089411
Role: custodian

Data Quality

Within the framework of the internal project of the Czech Geological Survey No. 310770 (Subsurface geoinformation models), a pilot GeoCIM model of a selected area in the Perštýn locality within the city of Liberec was developed.
Equivalent Scale: 1: 10000


only with the written consent of the main author
only with the written consent of the main author

Metadata about metadata

Czech Geological Survey
Ing. Lucie Kondrová, Ph.D.
Klárov 131/3, Praha 1, 118 00, Česká republika
tel: +420257089434
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource