DRASTIC parameter: T (Topography). Upper Guadiana Basin (UGB).
T parameter represents the slope of the land surface . The values of the slope (%) are classified into five classes and a rate is assigned to each class (0 - 2 m = [10]; 2 - 6 = [9]; 6 - 12 = [5]; 12 - 18 = [3]; >18 = [1]). In the Upper Guadiana Basin pilot, the land surface is predominantly flat, sloping gently over 150 km, from the northeast (elevation 730 m.a.s.l.) to the southwest (600 m.a.s.l.).
DRASTIC parameter: T
- DRASTIC parameter: T (Topography). Upper Guadiana Basin (UGB).
Calculation of the slope rasterfile from the Digital Terrain Model at 100x100m cell size (IGN) and reclassification of slope values into T index values.