Perama Hill epithermal gold deposit

Perama Hill is a high sulphidation deposit hosted by tertiary sandstones (Lescuyer 2003) and is located on the east margin of Petrota graben.Perama gold mineralisation is related the late Eocene-Oligocene volcanism in the Rhodope massif.Gold mineralisation is associated with a series of wide (>1,5m) to narrow (few cm) milky quartz-barite veins and stockwork veining in the vuggy silica block.Gold in microsized was also found disseminated in the surrounding altered (oxide mineralisation) epiclastic sandstones (Lescuyer 2003)
GR.IGME : GRC-00733
Geoscientific information
European Geoscience Registry - Projects: INSPIRE code list register ,:
25.83, 40.695, 26.352, 40.959
publication: 2010-05-25
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME)
Eliopoulos Dimitrios
Athens, 13677, Greece
tel: 2131337313
Role: principal investigator

Data Quality

Perama Hill deposit was discovered in 1995 by the Company Thrace Gold Mines. Most of each database contain coordinates that are usable for map applications.


conditions unknown

Metadata about metadata

Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME)
Eliopoulos Dimitrios
1 Spirou Loui Street, Acharnae, 13677, Greece
tel: 2131337313
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource