Snadnější přístup k datům, efektivnější vyhledávání, bezpečné zálohování a archivace dat. Propojení oblastí a přepočet dat na jednotnou úroveň – vytvoření základní geomagnetické, radiometrické a gama spektrometrické mapy ČR.
Location accuracy: locations digitized from 1:200 000 scale maps (1957-1959) to 1:25 000 scale maps (1993-2012)
Airborne measurements of total gamma-ray activity of rocks cover 100 % of the Czech Republic, and airborne gamma-ray spectrometry covers over 60 % of the Czech Republic. In areas covered by airborne gamma-ray spectrometry surveys in the late 1970s and 1980s, the total gamma-ray activity was measured using the total gamma radiation channel. In areas not covered by the airborne spectrometry survey, the total gamma-ray activity was based on airborne measurements of the gamma radiation exposure rate from the 1960s. The magnetometry layer was originally based on a combination of airborne flux-gate magnetometry (1960s) and surface measurements, and covered 100 % of the Czech Republic. More recently, 60 % of the country has been covered by airborne proton magnetometry.
Until 31.12. 2024 Expert data guarantor: RNDr. Eva Hudečková