Geothermal map - Depths of the 150°C isotherm

The underground geothermal conditions can be presented, irrespective of the aquifers' position, with the appropriate geothermal maps. This map shows the expected depths of the isotherm of 150 °C and is made with data from 191 boreholes. In a way, it is the inverse of those ordinary temperature maps showing the temperature at certain depths. It is made on the basis of measured temperatures in accessible boreholes throughout the country. However, since the temperature field depends on the geological structure in the depths and tectonic characteristics, the course of contours results of many influences, such as thermal conductivity of rocks, permeability and fracturing of rocks, all of which are reflected in the measured temperatures in boreholes. However, the permeability and fracturing of rocks decrease with greater depths, which are for this map in the west and south and in parts of northern Slovenia quite great to this isotherm. The distribution of boreholes, which were useful for the measurement of temperature, is very uneven, and different as regard the depths. The map of depths to 150 °C isotherm shows a positive anomaly in the northeastern part of Slovenia. As a result of thin Earth's crust in the area and the higher conductive heat flow from the Earth's mantle, there are higher temperatures and thus are inversely smaller depths to the isotherm of 150 °C.
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0:
European Geoscience Registry - Projects:
geothermal energy
temperature map
depth of the isotherm 150°C
renewable energy resources
Directive 2009/28/ES
energy balance
13.38, 45.42, 16.60, 46.88
creation: 2012-12-31
The aim is to improve access to the geothermal conditions in the depths. This map shows the expected depths of the isotherm of 150 ° C.
Geological Survey of Slovenia
Dimičeva ulica 14, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenija
tel: +38612809700
Role: author
Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia
Langusova 4, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenija
tel: + 386(0)1 478 8000
Role: originator
Geological Survey of Slovenia
Dimičeva ulica 14, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenija
tel: +38612809700
Role: owner

Data Quality

Avtorji: mag. Dušan Rajver, univ. dipl. inž. geol., mag. Joerg Prestor, univ. dipl. inž. geol., Simona Pestotnik, univ.dipl. inž. vod. in kom.inž., mag. Andrej Lapanje, univ. dipl. inž. geol., dr. Mitja Janža, univ. dipl. inž. geol., Simon Mozetič, tehn. sod., dr. Nina Rman, univ. dipl. inž. geol.
Minimal Distance: 1000 m


Metadata about metadata

Geological Survey of Slovenia
Rada Rikanovič
Dimičeva ulica 14, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenija
tel: +38612809700
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource