Metadata 1533

This Downloadservice contains point locations of near-surface mineral raw material occurrences and mining sites in Baden-Württemberg (BW), which is one of 16 states of the Federal Republic of Germany. The information is harmonized according to the specifications of the MIN4EU database model as part of the Mintell4EU project. BW is rich in near-surface mineral raw materials. The most important are 1) Quaternary sands and gravels (Upper Rhine Graben Valley and glacial sediments of Upper Swabia), 2) Paleozoic...
Seafloor massive sulphides (SMS) are modern equivalents of on-shore (ancient) volcanogenic massive sulphides (VMS) which have constituted important mining targets through history in many regions of Europe. VMS deposits are generally stratiform accumulations of sulphides formed at or just beneath the seafloor as a result of volcano-magmatic activity. The sulphides are precipitated from hot hydrothermal solutions when they come in contact with cold seawater. Deposits of this type that form today are known as...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), Ireland, Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
Marine ferromanganese crust deposits are potential mineral resources that contain base metals and strategic and critical elements such as cooper (Cu), cobalt (Co), vanadium (V), nickel (Ni), titanium (Ti), platinum group elements (PGEs) or rare earth elements (REEs). Traditionally, marine precipitates are defined as: a) purely hydrogenetic when all constituents are derived from cold seawater, (b) diagenetic, when all constituents are derived from cold sediment pore water; and (c) hydrothermal when precipit...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), Ireland, Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
In many places, marine phosphorites are accompanied by Fe-Mn crust mineralisations on the seafloor of continental shelves and slopes along the western continental margins of the Atlantic Ocean. They tend to occur in waters of medium depth. Some thick Fe-Mn crusts also contain carbonate fluorapatite, which was incorporated into the crusts during specific periods prior to middle Miocene during main Cenozoic episodes of phosphatization. These deposits are related to strong upwelling along the continental marg...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), Ireland, Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
Marine placer deposits have received much attention during marine exploration. They comprise detrital heavy metallic minerals and gemstones, eroded from, usually igneous, source rocks on land and transported to sea, mostly by rivers. Thereby placer deposits are concentrated by water motions (waves, tides, currents). The most important of these minerals, from an economical aspect, are: cassiterite (tin), ilmenite and rutile (titanium), zircon (zirconium), chromite (chromium), monazite (thorium), magnetite (...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), Ireland, Date Stamp: 2024-09-10
Polymetallic nodules occur in abyssal plains (~4000 – 6000 mm water depth) of all major oceans as two-dimensional deposits, formed on or just below sediment-covered seafloor, rich in metals of economic interest such as manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), molybdenum (Mo), titanium (Ti), lithium (Li), and rare earth elements (REE). The nodules are generated in marine environments where the sedimentation rates are low, commonly less than 10 centimeters (cm) per thousand years. The nodules c...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), Ireland, Date Stamp: 2024-09-10
"Exploration in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Sea" refers to marine exploration of mineral accumulations, deposits, resources and reserves on the Atlantic. Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Sea seabed. The target for MINDeSEA WP 7 is (i) to create a new dataset on the distribution of the explored areas for submarine mineral resources in Europe; (ii) to propose recommendations for new unexplored areas; and (iii) to recommend pilot areas with high potential of discovering new submarine mineral ...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), Ireland, Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
This database contains information on reserved and non-reserved mineral deposits, prognosticated mineral resources, exhausted and abandoned deposits and resources, non-prospective areas, negative results of exploration, and geographic location of mineral resources.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-04-24
Open dataset contains basic information on all reserved mineral deposits and approved prognosticated mineral resources in the territory of the Czech Republic.The Ministry of the Environment issues a certificate of reserved deposit if a reserved mineral is found in quantity and quality that allow its accumulation to be reasonably expected.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-09-23
The view service shows areas that contain mineral deposits of national interest. The deposits at these sites consist of valuable substances or materials, such as natural stone, industrial minerals and metals, considered by SGU to be important.More than half of the areas of national interest are demarcated in detail; the remainder are merely marked by a dot on the map.An assessment is made in accordance with the Environmental Code (chapter 3, section 7 second paragraph). SGU is responsible for ensuring that...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Sweden (SWE), Date Stamp: 2022-02-28
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