Metadata 1534

Hydrocarbon fields in the North Sea. This dataset contains information about the types of hydrocarbon, status, start year and operator.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark, Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
Zharmonizowany zbiór danych przedstawia obiekty hydrogeologiczne na obszarze Polski. Zbiór danych jest zgodny z modelem INSPIRE Geology – Hydrogeology.
Metadata Contact: Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (PIG-PIB), Polska, Date Stamp: 2023-02-16
Metadata Contact: BRGM, , Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
The Hydrogeological Map of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a specific type of thematic map that illustrates the quantity, composition, chemical properties, location, dimensions, geological characteristics, features, and phenomena of groundwater. According to its scale, the mentioned Hydrogeological Map (HGK) falls into the category of medium-scale maps, i.e., 1:500,000, and is classified as an overview map. To better depict relationships on a map of this scale, special attention was given to the hydrogeological ...
Metadata Contact: Federal Institute for geology, Bosna i Hercegovina, Date Stamp: 2024-08-20
Data of Geological map were reclassified into classes of IAH classification on the base of hydrogeological characteristics. IAH classification is based on description of the hydrogeological units. Firstly, based on extensiveness and productivity and secondly on type of porosity.The purpose is to provide assistance to the strategy of groundwater exploitation as to protection and water resources management.
Metadata Contact: Geološki zavod Slovenije, Slovenija, Date Stamp: 2022-01-04
The Hydrogeological Map of Spain at a scale of 1:1,000,000 presents the geological units classified according to their hydrogeological character, based on the surface permeability of the outcrops. The hydrogeology is represented by symbolisation of the materials. ...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), España, Date Stamp: 2022-12-20
The Hydrogeological Map of the Republic of Srpska 1:300.000 in its widest sense is a graphical representation of hydrogeological characteristics of the territory of the Republic of Srpska. Its preparation is based on the synthesis of the existing geological structure data, hydrogeological categorization of the rocks and hydrogeological regionalization of the Republic of Srpska. The Clear Hydrogeological Map is prepared using modern sofware – programs and tools of the GIS, which enable the creation of hydro...
The Hydrogeological Map of Switzerland at 1:500,000 scale consists of two sheets. The first sheet shows the various groundwater resources in Switzerland and provides information about productivity. The second sheet shows the vulnerability of groundwater resources to possible contamination.
Metadata Contact: Swiss Geological Survey - Federal Office of Topography, CHE, Date Stamp: 2016-05-19
Dataset contains hydrogeological zones with attached basic informations to the extent given to edict of Ministry of Agriculture Decree no.391/2004 Coll., i.e. information about zone name, numerical identifier, river basin managers and territorial identification, additional data on natural characteristics. The basic natural characteristics of zone include geological unit, group of zones, lithology, stratigraphy of Cretaceous group of zones, type of Quarternary sediment in laden layer of zones, type of aquif...
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-01-09
The data comprise image and spectral data acquired by scanning of drillcores at SGU. The cameras in the scanner cover the visible, short wavelength and long wavelength parts of the infrared spectrum. The combination of different infrared wavelength ranges increases the mineral detection capability. Objectiveinformation about the mineralogical composition of the drillcores is fundamental basics for interpretation and modeling of the rock and the geological evolution.Level 2 is a processing level where data ...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Sweden (SWE), Date Stamp: 2021-11-01
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