Metadata 1534

WMS service contains information on geophysical measurements, layers of gravimetry and seismic vertical electric sounding (VES) on the territory of the Czech Republic.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-06-19
Database contains a codes of geophysical methods.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-02-28
Geophysics that are shown as polygons. Sometimes the real position of geophysical lines cannot be shown because of confidentiality reasons and in this case a polygon that shows the approximate location is used instead. In other cases the geophysics is best represented by a polygon – for example for 3D seismic surveys.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Danmark, Date Stamp: 2024-09-19
ArcGIS Server service contains information on geophysical measurements made mainly by Geofyzika Brno since the early 1950s. Areas covered by regional surveys are depicted on 1:200 000 scale maps and local small-scale measurements at scale of 1:50 000.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2023-11-27
This database contains information on geophysical measurements made mainly by Geofyzika state enterprise, Brno and its successor organizations since the early 1950s. Areas covered by regional surveys are depicted on 1 : 200.000 scale maps and local small-scale measurements at scale of 1 : 50.000.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-02-28
Download service (ATOM feed) displaying the Geophysical Surveys dataset that has been harmonized to be INSPIRE-compliant.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-08-01
INSPIRE View service contains information on geophysical surveys made mainly by Geofyzika Brno since the early 1950s. Surveys have been classified in 10 classes according to the INSPIRE classification for survey type.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-08-01
This database contains information on geophysical measurements made mainly by Geofyzika Brno state enterprise and its successor organizations since the early 1950s. Areas covered by regional surveys are depicted on 1 : 200,000 scale maps and local small-scale measurements at scale of 1 : 50,000. The layer has been transformed according to the INSPIRE data specification for the Campaign object from the Geophysics application scheme.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-09-23
Webové stránky mezinárodního projektu GeoPLASMA-CE (7/2016–6/2019) zabývajícího se využitím mělké geotermální energie pro vytápění a chlazení ve střední Evropě. Pilotní oblasti výzkumu jsou Vogtland – západní Čechy, Valbřich – Broumovsko, Krakov, Vídeň, Bratislava a Lublaň. Na řešení se podílí jedenáct partnerů z řad státních geologických služeb, vysokých škol, neziskových organizací, správních úřadů i soukromých společností z ČR, Německa, Polska, Slovenska, Rakouska a Slovinska.
Metadata Contact: Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic, Date Stamp: 2024-01-09
Harmonized geo-energy, mineral resource and area management data coming from various countries based on key economic and geological parameters
Metadata Contact: TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands, the Netherlands, Date Stamp: 2021-02-18
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