Metadata 1600
Water balances from hydrological models, scenarios 1 and 3 degrees. Data are from the Netherlands and Denmark
The map shows a probabilistic identification of rockfall source areas for El Hierro Island, prepared with the combination of multiple statistical models
The map show the number of trajectories that pass through each pixel.
This database contains geophysical and inclinometry measurements since 1999.
Overview of the boreholes reaching the Upper most layers of the formations with deep geothermal energy potential.
Wells of the Dinantian reservoir in the North-West Europe
Areas of relict wetland. Where known the type of wetland is included e.g. salt marsh, tidal flat, peat bog, supra tidal zone, swamp, other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only. 4. Low: Reasonable without any direct evidence.
This is PSI data for Wilhelmshavn, Germany. It has been provided by Hansje Brinker BV as part of the ESA funded Terrafirma project.
This is PSI data for Wilhelmshavn, Germany. It has been provided by Hansje Brinker BV as part of the ESA funded Terrafirma project.
This is PSI data for Wilhelmshavn, Germany. It has been provided by Hansje Brinker BV as part of the ESA funded Terrafirma project.