Metadata 1531

Map showing the geographical distribution of ground movements classified into four main groups: horizontal component in continental areas, vertical component in continental areas, unstable areas linked to coastal areas and movements related to mining operations. Also included are continental areas with important erosive processes.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), España, Date Stamp: 2022-10-07
Thermal conductivity of a geological unit relevant for shallow geothermal energy use (e.g. bedrock).
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Austria, Austria, Date Stamp: 2022-04-04
The intrinsic ability of hard rock samples to conduct heat.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Austria (GBA), Austria, Date Stamp: 2024-08-14
The maximum temperature shift between the production and the injection well that is possible with regards to legal or ecological limitations.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Austria, Austria, Date Stamp: 2022-04-04
Thermal response test (TRT) is the customary method to determine ground thermal conductivity in situ.
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Austria, Austria, Date Stamp: 2022-04-04
Numerous thermal, mineral and thermomineral waters and the variety of their hydrochemical types represent the most interesting geological issue and signifcant economic potential of the territory of the Republic of Srpska. The proper interpretation of the genesis, hydrogeologic mechanism, chemical content and the regime of some occurrences of these waters provide the consideration of their economic importance and possibilities of utilization.
This is PSI data for Thessaly, Greece. It has been provided by GAMMA Remote Sensing as part of the ESA funded Terrafirma project.
Date Stamp: 2016-06-29
Thickness of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) deposit. Contours are presented as depth (metres) below present seafloor or the base of the post LGM sedimentary cover. LGM is defined on average at 18,000 years BP. In glaciated regions the thickness of the Holocene is used. Confidence is defined as follows: 1. High: Sampled feature with good age and palaeoenvironmental control. 2. Sampled feature with poor or none age and palaeoenvironmental control. 3. Constructed by remote sensing data only, 4. Low: Reasonabl...
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey, United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2022-11-29
Iso-content maps of Thorium (Th), one of the chemical elements.obtained in the Geochemical Atlas of Spain Project, distributed in stream sediments (14,864 samples), superficial soils (0-20 cm.) (13,505 samples) and deeper soils (20-40 cm.) (7,682 samples). The results of the chemical analysis are shown in two types: total dissolution of the sample with 4 acids and partial dissolution with aqua regia. With the analytical results of all the sampled points, an isocontent map is made with adjustment to a squar...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), España, Date Stamp: 2022-09-20
Iso-content maps of Thulium (Tm), one of the chemical elements.obtained in the Geochemical Atlas of Spain Project, distributed in stream sediments (14,864 samples), superficial soils (0-20 cm.) (13,505 samples) and deeper soils (20-40 cm.) (7,682 samples). The results of the chemical analysis are shown in two types: total dissolution of the sample with 4 acids and partial dissolution with aqua regia. With the analytical results of all the sampled points, an isocontent map is made with adjustment to a squar...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), España, Date Stamp: 2022-09-20
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